Publicaties in internationale wetenschappelijke vakbladen – ISI Thomson geclassifieerd (A1)

Publicaties in internationale wetenschappelijke vakbladen zonder ISI ranking (A2)

Publicaties in nationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften (A3)

Publicaties in nationale vakbladen (A4)

Voorstellingen op internationale wetenschappelijke congressen (C1)

Voorstellingen op nationale symposia en studiedagen (C1)

Patenten en octrooiaanvragen (C2)

Publicaties in internationale wetenschappelijke vakbladen – ISI Thomson geclassifieerd (A1)
Vervaeke, P., Luyssaert, S., Mertens, J., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G. & Lust N. (2003). Phytoremediation prospects of willow stands on contaminated sediment: a field trial. Environmental Pollution, 126, 275-282.
Meers, E., Hopgood, M., Lesage, E., Vervaeke, P., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M. (2004). Enhanced Phytoextraction : In Search for EDTA Alternatives. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 6, 2, 95-109.
Meers, E., Unamuno, V.R., Vandegehuchte, M., Vanbroekhoven, K., Geebelen, W., Roeland, S., Vangronsveld, J., Diels, L., Ruttens, A., Du Laing, G. & Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Soil solution speciation of Cd as affected by soil characteristics in unpolluted and polluted soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24, 499-509.
Meers, E., Rousseau, D., Blomme, N., Lesage, E., Du Laing, G., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M.G. (2005). Tertiary Treatment of the Liquid Fraction of Pig Manure with Phragmites australis. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 160, 15-26.
Meers, E., Lamsal, S., Vervaeke, P., Hopgood, M., Lust, N., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M.G. (2005). Availability of heavy metals for uptake by Salix viminalis on a moderately contaminated dredged sediment disposal site. Journal of Environmental Pollution, 137, 354-364.
Meers, E., Ruttens, A., Samson, D., Hopgood, M. & Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Comparison of EDTA and EDDS as Potential Soil Amendments for Enhanced Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals. Chemosphere, 58, 1011-1022.
Meers, E., Ruttens, A., Hopgood, M., Lesage, E. & Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Potential of Brassica rapa, Cannabis sativa, Helianthus annuus and Zea mays for phytoextraction of heavy metals from calcareous dredged sediment derived soils. Chemosphere, 61, 561-572.
Meers, E., Lesage, E., Lamsal, S., Hopgood, M., Vervaeke, P., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M.G. (2005). Enhanced Phytoextraction : I. Effect of EDTA & citric acid on heavy metal mobility in a calcareous soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 7, 129-142.
Lesage E., Meers E., Vervaeke P., Lamsal S., Hopgood M., Tack F.M.G. & Verloo M.G. (2005). Enhanced Phytoextraction : II. Effect of EDTA & citric acid on heavy metal uptake by Helianthus annuus from a calcareous soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 7, 143-152.
Vandecasteele, B., Meers, E., Vervaeke, P., Devos, B., Quataert, P. & Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Growth and trace metal accumulation of two Salix clones on sediment-derived soils with increasing contamination levels. Chemosphere, 58, 995-1002.
Meers, E., Ruttens, A., Geebelen, W., Vangronsveld, J., Samson, R., Vanbroekhoven, K., Diels, L., & Tack, F.M.G. (2006). Potential use of the plant antioxidant network for environmental exposure assessment of heavy metals in soils. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 120, 243-267.
Meers, E., Unamuno, V.R., Du Laing, G., Vandegehuchte, M., Vangronsveld, J., Vanbroekhoven, K., Samson, R. & Tack, F.M.G. (2006). Zn in the soil solution of unpolluted and polluted soils as affected by soil characteristics. Geoderma, 136, 107-119.
Meers, E., Rousseau, D., Demeersseman, E., Lesage, E. & Tack, F.M.G. (2006). Physico-chemical P-removal from the liquid fraction of pig manure. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 169, 317-330.
Meers, E., Du Laing, G., Lesage, E., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M.G. (2006). Water Extractability of heavy metals from soils: some pitfalls. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 176, 21 – 35.
Mertens, J., Vervaeke, P., Meers, E. & Tack F.M.G. (2006). Seasonal changes of metals in willow (Salix sp.) stands for phytormediation on dredged sediment. Environmental Science and Technology, 40, 1962-1968.
Meers, E., Vandecasteele, B., Ruttens, A., Vangronsveld, J. & Tack, F.M.G. (2007). Potential of five willow species (Salix spp.) for phytoextraction of heavy metals. Journal of Experimental Environmental Botany, 120, 243-267.
Lesage, E., Rousseau, D.P.L., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G. & De Pauw, N. (2007). Accumulation of metals in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland treating domestic wastewater in Flanders, Belgium. Science of the Total Environment, 380, 102-115.
Meers, E., Samson, R., Tack, F.M.G., Ruttens, A., Vangronsveld, J. & Verloo, M.G. (2007). Phytoavailability assessment of heavy metals in soils by single extractions and accumulation in Phaseolus vulgaris. Journal of Experimental Environmental Botany, 60, 385-396.
Unamuno VIR, De Visscher A, Lesage E., Meers E. and Tack F.M.G (2007). Cu sorption on Phragmites australis leaf and stem litter. A kinetic study. Chemosphere, 69, 1136-1143.
Meers, E., Du Laing, G., Unamuno, V., Ruttens, A., Vangronsveld, J., Samson, R., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M.G. (2007). Comparison of Cd Extractability from Soils and Sediments by Commonly Used Single Extraction Protocols. Geoderma, 141, 247-259.
Van Ginneken, L., Meers, E., Guisson, R., Ruttens, A., Tack, F.M.G., Vangronsveld, J., Diels, L. & Dejonghe, W. (2007). Phytoremediation for heavy metal contaminated soils and combined bio-energy production. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 4, 227-236.
Dulaing, G., Vandecasteele, B., De Grauwe, P., Moors, W., Lesage, E., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G., & Verloo, M. (2007). Factors affecting metal concentrations in the upper intertidal reedbeds along the river Scheldt. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9, 449-455.
Lesage, E., Mundia, C., Rousseau, D.P.L., Van de Moortel, A.M.K., Du Laing, G., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G., De Pauw, N. and Verloo, M.G. (2007). Sorption of Co, Cu, Ni and Zn from industrial effluents by the submerged aquatic macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum L. Ecological Engineering, 30, 320-325.
Lesage, E., Rousseau, D.P.L., Meers, E., Van de Moortel, A.M.K., Du Laing, G., Tack, F.M.G., De Pauw, N. and Verloo, M.G. (2007). Accumulation of metals in the sediment and reed biomass of a combined constructed wetland treating domestic wastewater. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 183, 253-264.
Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M.G. (2008). Degradability of EDDS in metal contaminated soils: implications for its use soil remediation. Chemosphere, 70, 358-363.
Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G., Van Slycken, S., Ruttens, A., Vangronsveld, J., Du Laing, G. & Verloo, M.G. (2008). Chemically-assisted phytoextraction: a review of potential soil amendments for increasing plant uptake of heavy metals. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 10, 390-414
Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G., Tolpe, I. & Michels, E. (2008). Application of a Full-Scale Constructed Wetland for Tertiary Treatment of Piggery Manure: Monitoring Results. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 193, 15-24.
Duquène, L., Vandenhove, Tack, F., Meers, E., Baeten, J., Wannijn, J. & Sannen, J. (2008). Effect of biodegradable amendments on U solubilisation in contaminated soils. Science of the Total Environment, 391, 26-33.

Publicaties in internationale wetenschappelijke vakbladen zonder ISI ranking (A2)

Meers, E., Vervaeke, P., Tack, F.M.G., Lust, N., Verloo, M. & Lesage, E. (2003). Field trial experiment : phytoremediation with Salix sp. on a dredged sediment disposal site in Flanders, Belgium. Remediation Journal, 13, 87-97.
Meers, E. & Tack, F.M.G. (2004). The Potential of Foliar Treatments for Enhanced Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soil with Helianthus annuus. Remediation Journal, 14, 111-123.

Publicaties in nationale wetenschappelijke tijdschriften (A3)

Vervaecke, P., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G., Lust, N., Verloo, M.G. (2001). Impact of dewatering and afforestation of contaminated dredged sediment on metal fractionation and mobility. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 66, 2001, 131-135.
Meers, E., Vervaeke, P., Tack, F.M.G., Lust, N. & Verloo, M.G. (2001). Field trial setup for heavy metal removal from dredged sediments using intensive cultures of the willow Salix viminalis. 7th PhD symposium on applied biological sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 66, 141-146.
Meers, E., Lesage, E., Vervaeke, P., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M. (2003). Using soil amendments for phytoextraction of heavy metals. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 68, 199-202.
Meers E., Tack F.M.G., Ruttens A., Vandecasteele B., Vangronsveld J. and Verloo, M.G. (2005). Phytoextraction of Cd and Zn with Salix dasyclados Loden. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 70, 189-190.
Meers E., Lesage E., Rousseau, D., Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Cu and Zn distribution in a constructed wetland for treatment of agricultural wastewater. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 70, 187-188.
Unamuno, V.I.R., Meers, E. & Tack, F.M.G. (2006). The solid-solution partitioning of heavy metals (Cd and Zn) in soil and dredged sediments for environmental management purposes. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 71, 245-247.
Meers, E., Michels, E., Tolpe, I. & Tack, F.M.G. (2008). Verwerking van mest tot loosbaar/herbruikbaar water. Afvalwater, jg 7, nr 2, 116-123.

Publicaties in nationale vakbladen (A4)

Meers, E. (2004). Fytoremediatie in Vlaanderen : Introductie en Staat van Onderzoek. Milieupraktijk, 2, 5-6.
Meers, E. & Tack, F.M.G. (2004). Site Specific - Environmental Risk Assessment (SS – ERA). Milieupraktijk, 4, 5-6.
Reijnen, J., Meers, E. & Van Belle, F. (2007). Vibrerende Filtratietechnologie. Aquarama, 38, 63-64.
Janssens, B., Meers, E., Van Slycken, S., Ruttens, A., Vangronsveld, J., Thewys, T., Witters, N., Meiresonne, L. & Tack, F.M.G. (2008). Teelt van energiegewassen als alternatief voor de klassieke landbouw. Zinkorama, Maart, 38, 26 - 27.
Meers, E., Witters, N., Soetaert, W., Vandamme, E. & Thewys, T. (2008). Biobrandstoffen : Feiten en mythes rond het voedsel vs. bioenergie debat. De Drietand, jg 2008, nr. 28, 8.

Voorstellingen op internationale wetenschappelijke congressen (C1)

Meers, E., Vervaeke, P., Tack, F.M.G., Lust, N. & Verloo, M.G. (2002). Phytoextraction of heavy metals from dredged sediments using intensive cultures of the willow Salix viminalis : field trial setup. In : Mench & Mocquot (Eds.). Risk assessment and sustainable land management using plants in trace element-contaminated soils. 4th WG2 Workshop COST 837 Bordeaux, 25-27 April, 148-151.
Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M. (2002). Zn content in stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) as affected by soil characteristics : spatial distribution and statistics. 17th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), 14-21 August, Bangkok, Thailand, paper no. 2003.
Vervaeke, P., Mertens, J., Meers, E., Lust, N. & Tack, F.M.G. (2002). Afforestation of dredged sediment depots, dikes and mounds. Abstracts of the Inaugural Conference SEDNET European Research Sediment Network, 22-23 April, Venice, Italy, 69-72.
Meers, E., Lesage, E., Tack, F.M.G., Lust, N., Vervaeke, P. & Verloo, M. (2003). An evaluation of EDTA and citric acid as soil amendment to enhance metal uptake in phytoremediation. 8th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil (CONSOIL), 12-16 May, Ghent, Belgium.
Meers, E., Lesage, E., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M. (2003). The use of soil amendments to stimulate heavy metal uptake and translocation. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (ISEG), 7-11 September, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Lamsal, S., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M.G. (2003). Modeling Bioavailable Fraction of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Dredged Sediments and its Implication for Phytoremediation. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida and Florida Nematology Forum, 63rd annual meeting, 21 - 23 May 2003, Daytona Beach, FL, USA.
Lesage, E., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M. (2003). Phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils : I. Effect of EDTA and citric acid on the bioavailability of heavy metals. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (ISEG) (7-11/9), Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Lesage, E., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M. (2003). Phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils : II. Effect of EDTA and citric acid on the phytoextraction Helianthus annuus giganteus. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (ISEG) (7-11/9), Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Lesage, E., Roggeman, S., De Pauw, N., Du Laing, G., Meers, E., Rousseau, D.P.L., Tack, F.M.G. and Verloo, M.G (2003). Copper tolerance of some aquatic macrophytes commonly used for wastewater treatment. 1st International Seminar on the Use of Aquatic Macrophytes for Wastewater treatment in Constructed Wetlands, Lisbon, Portugal.
Vervaeke, P., Mertens, J., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G., Lust, N. (2003). Revaluation of contaminated sediments with Short Rotation Forestry systems. In: Vanek, T., Schwitzguébel, J.-P. (Eds.) Phytoremediation Inventory, a COST Action 837 View. UOCHB AVCR, Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 69.

Vervaeke P., Mertens J., Meers E., Lust N., Tack F.M.G. & Verloo M.G. (2003). Fate of heavy metals in the revaluation of contaminated sites with short rotation forestry systems. 8th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil (CONSOIL), 12-16 May, Ghent, Belgium.
Meers, E., Vanbroekhoven, K. , Geebelen, W., Samson, R., Du Laing, G., Unamuno, V.R., Ruttens, A., Vangronsveld, J., Diels, L., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M.G. (2004). Site Specific Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils. 6th International Symposium on Sediment Quality Assessment, 17-20 August, Antwerp, Belgium.
Meers, E., Rousseau, D., Lesage, E., Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Tertiairy treatment of the liquid fraction of pig manure with constructed wetlands. International symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL), 4-8 September, Ghent, Belgium.
Meers E., Ruttens A., Vandecasteele B., Vangronsveld J., Verloo, M.G. & F.M.G. Tack (2005). Revalorisation of metal contaminated land by Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) for production of Renewable Energy. International workshop on sustainable development of heavy metal contaminated sites (VITO), 16 November, Antwerp, Belgium.
Meers, E., Lesage, E., Rousseau, D., Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Cu and Zn distribution in a constructed wetland for treatment of agricultural effluents. International symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control. 4-8 September, Ghent, Belgium.
Meers E., Tack F.M.G., Ruttens A., Vandecasteele B., Vangronsveld J. and Verloo, M.G. (2005). Comparison of Cd and Zn phytoextraction potential of Salix dasyclados Loden on different soil types. Workshop on Metal Fluxes and stresses in terrestrial ecosystems, 15-20 October, Monte Verita, Switzerland.
Unamuno, V.R., De Visscher, A., Lesage, E., Meers, E. & Tack, F.M.G. (2005). The role of decaying organic matter in Cu sorption by Phragmites australis : a kinetic study. 10th Nordic IHSS Symposium on Character of Natural Organic matter and its Role in the Environment, 31 May – 3 June, Riga, Latvia.
Tack, F.M.G., Vervaeke, P., Meers, E. & Vandecasteele, B. (2005). Phytoremediation/ stabilisation of dredged sediment derived soils with willow. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 08101. European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2005. 24-29 April, Vienna, Austria.
Meers E., Lesage E., Rousseau, D., Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Distribution of Cu and Zn in a constructed wetland for tertiary treatment of the liquid fraction of pig manure. Workshop on Metal Fluxes and stresses in terrestrial ecosystems, 15-20 October, Monte Verita, Switzerland.
Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G., Meiresonne, L., Ruttens, A. & Vangronsveld, J. (2006). Combining biomass production with phytoextraction of Cd and Zn on moderately contaminated sites. Biomass for Energy conference, 25-26 September, Bruges, Belgium.
Meers, E., Tack, F. & Verloo, M. (2006). Managing contaminated soils using phytoremediation. In: Proceedings Of The Workshop For Alumni Of The M.Sc. Programmes In Soil Science, Eremology And Physical Land Resources, (eds D. Langouche & E. Van Ranst), pp. 37-38. International Centre for Physical Land Resources, Ghent, Belgium.
Vangronsveld, J., Ruttens, A., Meers, E., Colpaert, J. (2006). Metal accumulation in stems and leaves of willow grown on a metal contaminated soil: possibilities for phytoextraction. COST 859 Meeting, 22-24 June, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Vangronsveld, J., Ruttens, A., Mastretta, C., Geebelen, W., Colpaert, J., Thewys, T., Meers, E. & Van der Lelie, N. (2006). Phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils: data from field experiments. COST 859 Meeting: Phytotechnologies - lessons from pilot and field scale. 27-29 April 2006, Sintra, Portugal.
Vangronsveld, J., Ruttens, A., Mastretta, C., Geebelen, W., Colpaert, J., Thewys, T., Meers, E. & Van der Lelie, N. (2006). Phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils: data from field experiments. Workshop at the University of Florenze, October 27, Firenze, Italy.
Vangronsveld, J., Ruttens, A., Mastretta, C., Geebelen, W., Colpaert, J., Thewys, T., Meers, E. & Van der Lelie, N. (2006). Phytoremediation of metal contaminated soils: data from field experiments. Conference on Soil Remediation Technologies. 20-21 November 2006, Madrid, Spain.
Meers, E., Van Slycken, S., Ruttens, A., Meiresonne, L., Vangronsveld, J., Thewys, T. & Tack, F. (2007). The use of energy crops for phytoremediation allows economic valorisation of moderately contaminated land during site decontamination. ICOBTE Conference. 15-19 July 2007, Beijing, China, 915-916.
Dejonghe, W., Geurds, M., Guisson, R., Van Ginneken, L., Diels, L., Meers, E., Witters, N., Thewys, T., Vangronsveld, J., Kegels, J., Befoort, B., Beeckman, E., Smis, J., De Schepper, S. & Fastenaekels, H. (2007). Phytoremediation for heavy metal contaminated soils and combined bio-energy production. 15-19 July 2007, Beijing, China, 162-163.
Ruttens A., Boulet J., Weyens N., Meers E., Meiresonne L., Colpaert J., Thewys T., Van der Lelie D. and Vangronsveld J. (2007). Metal accumulation in plant species with added economical value grown on metal contaminated soils: sustainable use of these soils for bio-energy production and possibilities for phytextraction. The 4th International Phytotechnologies Conference, International Phytotechnology Society, September 24-26, Denver, USA.
Vangronsveld, J., Ruttens, A., Mastretta, C., Colpaert, J., Thewys, T., Meers, E., Mench, M. & Van der Lelie D. (2007). Phytoextraction of metal-contaminated soils: lessons from field experiments and research needs. ICOBTE Conference. 15-19 July 2007, Beijing, China, 246-247.
Diels, L., Dejonghe, W., Geurds, M., Guisson, R., Van Ginneken, L., Diels, L., Meers, E., Ruttens, A., Witters, N., Thewys, T., Vangronsveld, J., Kegels, J., Defoort, B., Beeckman, E., Smis, J., De Schepper, S. & Fastenaekels, H. (2007). Energy crop production combined with phytoremediation for heavy metal contaminated soils. COST 859 WG2 & WG4 Meeting, 30 May – 1 June, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Dejonghe W., Meers E., Ruttens A. Guisson R., Van Ginneken L., Van Slycken S., Witters N., Peene A., Tack F.M.G., Vangronsveld J., Thewys T., Kegels J., Beeckman E., Smis J., De Schepper S., Fastenaekels H. and Diels L. (2008) Phytoremediation for heavy metal contaminated soils and combined bio-energy production. Innovations for Sustainable Production (i-SUP), 22-25 April, Bruges, Belgium.

Voorstellingen op nationale symposia en studiedagen (C1)

Meers, E. (2001). Mogelijkheden van Fytoremediatie. KViV Symposium, 18 October, Meise.
Meers, E., Vervaeke, P., Tack, F.M.G., Lust, N. & Verloo, M.G. (2001). Field trial setup for heavy metal removal from dredged sediments using intensive cultures of the willow Salix viminalis. 7th PhD symposium on applied biological sciences, University of Ghent, Ghent.
Vervaeke, P., Meers, E., Tack, F.M.G., Lust, N., Verloo, M.G. (2001). Impact of dewatering and afforestation of contaminated dredged sediment on metal fractionation and mobility. 7th PhD symposium on applied biological sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium.
Meers, E., Lesage, E., Vervaeke, P., Tack, F.M.G. & Verloo, M. (2003). Using soil amendments for phytoextraction of heavy metals. 9th PhD symposium on applied biological sciences, October 16, University of Leuven, Leuven.
Meers E., Tack F.M.G., Ruttens A., Vandecasteele B., Vangronsveld J. and Verloo, M.G. (2005). Phytoextraction of Cd and Zn with Salix dasyclados Loden. 11th PhD Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, 6 October, University of Leuven, Leuven.
Meers E., Tack F.M.G., Ruttens A., Vandecasteele B., Vangronsveld J., Verloo, M.G. (2005). Fytoextractie van Cd en Zn met Salix dasyclados Loden. Studiedag 'Zware metalen in het leefmilieu: nieuwe inzichten, nieuwe wetten?', 23 September, Universiteit Leuven, Leuven.
Meers E., Lesage E., Rousseau, D., Tack, F.M.G. (2005). Distributie van Cu en Zn in een constructed wetland voor tertiaire behandeling van varkensmengmest. Studiedag 'Zware metalen in het leefmilieu: nieuwe inzichten, nieuwe wetten?', 23 September, Universiteit Leuven, Leuven.
Lesage, E., Meers, E., Rousseau, D., Tack, F.M.G. & De Pauw, N. (2005). Accumulatie van zware metalen in rietvelden voor zuivering van huishoudelijk afvalwater. Studiedag 'Zware metalen in het leefmilieu: nieuwe inzichten, nieuwe wetten?', 23 September, Universiteit Leuven, Leuven.
Unamuno V.I.R., Meers, E. and Tack, F.M.G (2006). The solid-solution partitioning of heavy metals (Zn and Cd) for environmental management purposes. 12th symposium on Applied Biological Sciences. 21 September, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, University of Ghent, Ghent.
Meers, E. (2007). Combining phytoremediation with bioenergy production in the Campine region.Umicore Networking Event, 20 September, Ghent.
Van Slycken S., Meers E., Ruttens A., Meiresonne, L., Witters, N. Tack, F.M.G., Vangronsveld J., Thewys, T. (2007). Alternatieve teelten op bodems verontreinigd met zware metalen. BeNeKempen Studiedag, 25 januari, Mol.
Van Slycken S., Meers E., Ruttens A., Meiresonne, L., Witters, N. Tack, F.M.G., Vangronsveld J., Thewys, T. (2007). Korte omploophoutteelt op bodems uit de Kempen aangerijkt met zware metalen. Starters in Bosonderzoek, 22 maart, Brussel.
Van Slycken S., Meers E., Ruttens A., Meiresonne, L., Witters, N. Tack, F.M.G., Vangronsveld J., Thewys, T. (2007). Combining phytoremediation with bioenergy production in the Campine region. Umicore Networking Event, 20 September, Gent.
Ruttens, A., Thewys, T., Meers, E., Van Slycken, S., Tack, F., Meiresonne, L. and Vangronsveld, J. (2007). Phytotechnologies as potential remediation alternatives for metal contaminated soils ? Lessons from field experiments and research need. SCK Lunch Talk Presentatie, 27 September, Mol.
Meers, E. (2008). Innova Manure – laureaat Enterprize en Bizidee 2007. STODA (STudenten Ondernemers Dagen), Beurs Ondernemen, 20 Maart, Brussel.
Meers, E. (2008). Biomassa als secundaire grondstof : opportuniteiten voor hernieuwbare energie, herbruikbaar water en export-waardige meststoffen. Inaugurale sessie, Centre of Renewable Resources (CoRR), Ghent University, 10 April, Ghent.
Meers, E. (2008). Mogelijkheden van bio-energie teelten op vervuilde gronden. Studiedag Diversificatie van de landbouw. Platform Noord Limburg, 13 mei, Bocholt.
Meers, E., Witters, N., Ghekiere, G., Christiaens, P., Van Slycken, S.,Thewys, T. & Tack, F.M.G. (2008). Duurzaamheid van biovergisting: een praktijkgetuigenis. Studiedag Biogas als opstap naar 2e generatie biobrandstoffen. Ghent Bioenergy Valley (GBEV, Ghent University). 24 Juni, Het Pand, Universiteit Gent, Gent.
Tolpe, I., Meers, E. & Michels, E. (2008). Nazuivering van dunne fractie na biologie tot loosbaar / herbruikbaar water m.b.v. constructed wetlands. VITO / VCM Studiedag, Van mest tot herbruikbaar water: de realiteit van morgen ?, 26 Februari, St. Niklaas.
Christiaens, P., Meers, E. & Van Belle F. (2008). Verwerking van digestaat tot loosbaar / herbruikbaar water. VITO / VCM Studiedag, Van mest tot herbruikbaar water: de realiteit van morgen ?, 26 Februari, St. Niklaas.
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Patenten en octrooiaanvragen (C2)

PCT/EP2007/058356: Improved separation/purification method / installation for aqueous liqui dispersions if organic material, and use of such method / installation in an integrated treatment of manure and/or organic digestates.

EP 08151629.6. Treatment of liquid dispersions of organic waste material to dischargeable / re-usable water.